Brazilian Cherry Wood is a highly durable flooring material and is incredibly resistant to scratches, dents, and imperfections. it’s hardness is reflected in its Janka rating of 2350; the very popular red oak Janka is 1290 on average and white oak rates at 1360.
Visual Characteristics: It’s multi-colored with a mix of light and dark colors, ranging from rich golden orange to rusty tones; also deep reddish colors to a deep reddish-purple shading, from board to board.
It’s unique coloring often appeals those homeowners who want to make an elegant statement
as it blends well and compliments multi-decor rooms. It’s usually used in a common areas such as hallways, dining rooms and living rooms
Brazilian Cherry Wood Flooring is very photosensitive — light sensitive — and over time, both natural and artificial light causes the wood to redden and darken.
It’s not too difficult to work with though it requires a little more effort when sanding because of the hardness. But it’s not really too difficult when its time to refinish the flooring. When refinishing, the normal application calls for three coats of urethane clear finish. You never want to apply to Brazilian cherry wood flooring.
Though Brazilian cherry wood is amazingly durable and water resistant, it still shouldn’t be used in a bathroom or a room that has unusually high humidity. It’s recommend using a dehumidifier in a room that has Brazilian cherry hardwood flooring. Spills need to be wiped or blotted up right.
The costs of Brazilian cherry hardwood floor is higher than say, red or white oak as it’s considered an exotic wood.
Elegant Floors is a 25-year family run businesses. They’re proud to take great care of the hardwood flooring needs’ of homeowners throughout the entire South Bay area such as Sunnyvale, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Gatos and San Jose.
Elegant Floors
For Questions & Quotes Ask for Teri or Scott : (408) 773-8624 |