Whether you’re renovating a San Francisco rental or laying down hardwood floors and carpeting in your new Bay Area loft, you’d ideally like to use reclaimed materials not only to prove your “green cred” but also to enhance the aesthetics of your place.
Will Your Hardwood Floors “Last a Lifetime”?
Whether you just bought a beautiful Bay Area loft with classic hardwood flooring, or you’re doing a major remodeling job — ripping out carpeting and laying in new hardwood flooring — you want to enjoy longevity, ease of use, and minimal maintenance costs.
Is Wood Really that Much Better than Tile or Carpet?
Carpet fibers tend to collect dust, dander, particulate matter, and even volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Hardwood floors, on the other hand, are more impervious to these pollutants.
President Obama’s New “Working Forest” Program Grants $52.2 Million for 2012
President Obama’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative has won praise from conservationists and industry groups alike. This balanced program is designed to protect American jobs and conserve the country’s most gorgeous landscapes for future generations. And the Forest Legacy Program in 2012 has granted over $52 million in “working forest” projects!