Elegant Floors is a South Bay leader in hardwood floor sales, installation, refinishing and wood floor restorations. We don’t need to say were the best in what do because countless invaluable clients have done that for us in so many
What’s In A Name? Elegant Floors Is A NWFA Member In Good Standing
If you’re a homeowner who is considering a hiring flooring company to either install hardwood floors or repair your hardwood flooring, chance are good you’ll good you’ll across acronym NWWA which is short for National Wood Flooring Association. A contractor who
Tips In Choosing Which Hardwood Flooring Is Best For Your Home or Office
The Different Types of Wood Flooring Hardwood floors have unmatched natural beauty and go with any decor — modern, traditional, country. Wood flooring is a great choice for all room, although kitchens and basements might not be ideal. Unfinished or Finished? Unfinished hardwood flooring
Residential, Commercial, Schools & More, Elegant Floors Handles All Your Hardwood Flooring Needs
5 Common Hardwood Flooring Problems and How to Avoid Them
There are several common problems that can creep up on you during and after hardwood flooring installation. Here’s what they are and how to avoid them.
How to Protect your Hardwood Floors When Hosting a Party
Floor damage can be a real buzz kill when hosting a party. Our new blog post offers easy tips to prevent common damage to your hardwood floors.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hardwood Floor Installation
Whether working with solid hardwood or other flooring products, you can always learn more about which factors determine the right hardwood floors for your home.
Hardwood Flooring, How To’s & Tips, Hardwood Floors, Industry News/Info, News
While it’s true that hardwood lasts decades with only a little maintenance, there are areas in the house where hardwood floors may not be ideal.
5 Reasons Why pre-finished hardwood floors Are in high demand among home owners
Pre-finished hardwood floor installation is especially popular among homeowners today. Read on to learn 5 reasons people love pre-finished hardwood floors.
Pros and Cons of DIY Hardwood Floor Installation
Are you planning a DIY hardwood flooring project? Here are a few pros and cons to weigh before moving forward.