While it’s true that hardwood lasts decades with only a little maintenance, there are areas in the house where hardwood floors may not be ideal.
Why You Should Seal Engineered Hardwood Floors
If you are looking for something that will add value to your home, engineered hardwood floors installation is always a great choice. It is also the type of flooring that won’t absorb water quickly, but this doesn’t make it water-proof.
When to Use Engineered Hardwood Floors
Engineered Hardwood Flooring Benefits Well, none of us can deny the appeal and charm of a hardwood floor. Not only do they reek of luxury but they also add to the indelible charm of your homes. Among various flooring options
How Hardwood Flooring Can Increase the Value of Your Home
it’s difficult to resist the beauty and return on investment of hardwood flooring. Whether you need to install or revive it, hardwood flooring adds value to your home. Learn more.
Steps To Picking The Perfect Hardwood Floor For Your Home
The Best Floor Options For Your House Builders and developers agree that hardwood floors offer a classy and timeless aesthetic. But the sheer number of flooring options can make it difficult for you to choose the right materials and patterns.
Engineered Hardwood vs. Laminate Flooring: How to Decide
What’s the ultimate type and category of flooring for a Bay Area remodel? Let’s take a look at 2 popular options so you can make the best choice.
How Hardwood Floors Installation Benefits Your Business
When you opt for solid or engineered hardwood floors you can get some surprising benefits from the your upgraded flooring.
What’s the Best Vacuums for your Hardwood Floors?
Choosing the right vacuum for engineered hardwood floors can be challenging. A good vacuum can remove debris from crevices, preventing a buildup over time.
Which Direction Should My Hardwood Floors Be Installed?
Hardwood floors add beauty, durability, and value to homes. Once homeowners decide on a wood style and finish, the next step involves choosing the direction of the planks. Which way is correct? Learn more from our blog!
Benefits of Engineered Hardwood Flooring
Traditional hardwoods provide timeless beauty, but many modern alternatives are sturdy, and they deliver the same aesthetic and structural support. What should you choose? We can help.