Questions About Installing Wood Floors
Whether you are searching for a hardwood floor installation guide, so you can test your Do it Yourself (DIY) skills, or you are already in the middle of a project, and you want to troubleshoot a technical issue, here are answers to critical installation FAQs.
Should you use real wood for the project or cheaper “knockoff” material?
Opting for a cheaper material may seem like a good way to “beat the system.” But in reality, it’s a penny wise, pound foolish move. The National Wood Flooring Association, for instance, recently surveyed real estate agents, who found that homes with wood floors sell faster. If you want to create real value, go for the real wood.
Is hardwood a good choice, if you are building with an exotic style?
Almost always, it is. The National Wood Flooring Association has found that a vast majority of interior designers (over 96%) say that wood floors go well with most types of decors, including formal, modern, and exotic schemas.
What type of wood should I choose for my project?
There is no simple answer to this question. Factors that come into play include your décor’s color scheme, the difficulty of finishing the wood, the wood’s stability, its cost, its availability in your local area, and most importantly, the climate in your area.
When can we walk on the floors?
If you trust our Elegant Floors team to help with prefinished hardwood floors installation, you can walk on the floors immediately after installing – a nice perk, especially if you have kids and pets who have little desire to be isolated away from the room.
When can we put our area rugs back down on the floor?
First, the unfinished floors need to be finished and cured – otherwise, you risk interfering with the process and potentially damaging both your floors and the rugs (and needing to have them redone).
How long does it take to finish the installation process?
Typically, it takes a week or so to complete the job. The actual physical process of engineered hardwood floors installation only takes one or two days (normally), but the floor also must acclimate to the room and environment (i.e. adapt to local humidity conditions).
I have a whole laundry list of other questions. How can I get immediate assistance with my project?
Contact the Hardwood Floor Installation Experts
Give the team at Elegant Floors a call today at 650-961-1339 for questions related to installing hardwood floors. We can help you work through any constraints in your project and give you a free estimate for solid hardwood, prefinished or engineered wood flooring installation. You can also use our online contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible regarding your inquiry.