We believe passionately in educating our clients about best practices, so they can save money and time on floor installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
2012 Winner of Angie’s List “Super Service Award”
Winner of Angie’s List 2012 Super Service Award… Thank you for voting us BEST IN HARDWOOD FLOORING SALES/INSTALLATION/REFINISHING!
6 Easy Fixes for Common Floating Floor Problems
Investing in a well installed, durable floating floor can make great sense, not just for your pocketbook but also for your room’s aesthetics. But what happens when floating floors “go wrong”? Here we tabulate a few common floating floor problems and fixes.
Emergency First Aid for Squeaky Floors
Whether you just finished a kitchen remodeling job that’s gone great except for a squeaky board right under the table; or you’re fixing up an old building and the floorboards are squeaking everywhere, this article provides action packed advice to help you identify the sources of squeak and remedy them ASAP.
Will Your Hardwood Floors “Last a Lifetime”?
Whether you just bought a beautiful Bay Area loft with classic hardwood flooring, or you’re doing a major remodeling job — ripping out carpeting and laying in new hardwood flooring — you want to enjoy longevity, ease of use, and minimal maintenance costs.
Is Wood Really that Much Better than Tile or Carpet?
Carpet fibers tend to collect dust, dander, particulate matter, and even volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Hardwood floors, on the other hand, are more impervious to these pollutants.
Why Bother to Refinish Your Hardwood Floors in Time for the Holidays?
It’s holiday season, and your relatives, friends, new additions, and possibly some surprise guests will, very soon, be heading your way for a yummy home cooked meal, companionship, and gift giving. In the hustle and bustle to “get everything ready” for Thanksgiving and the December holidays, you need to prioritize. Your time is limited, as are your financial resources and your ability to focus.
The Elegance of Hardwood Flooring
Whether you are upgrading from carpeting to hardwood, renovating a gorgeous old San Francisco loft, or simply comparison shopping in preparation for a mini renovation, you need to select the right flooring material for the job.
Why Is Bamboo Flooring So Eco-Friendly?
If you have been researching hardwood floor options, no doubt you’ve come across lots of articles that sing the praises of bamboo as a tremendously eco-friendly material. These are generally correct, but not necessarily so.
Maple Wood Floors, or Something Else?
Are you doing a remodeling job in your kitchen or rec room? Are you “souping up” a Bay Area condominium to prepare it for eager buyers? Are you redoing your home now that the kids have “left the nest” – and you want to replace those gnarled, natty rugs in their rooms with beautiful, simple, austere hardwood floors?